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Objectives & Values

Objectives & Values

Strategic Objectives

1.To build and strengthen the institutional capacity of BONEPWA+ as a network of PLWHAs and their organizations. This will include aspects of organizational development, skills training, human resource development, networking and information management, policy advocacy, and resource mobilization.

2.To improve the quality, availability and accessibility of care and support services in the community through support groups. Care and support constitutes over 90% of all support group activities. To ensure quality, efficiency and effectiveness, BONEPWA+ aims to facilitate skills development, improvement of delivery systems, strengthening of awareness and knowledge among support group members, PLWHAs and their caregivers. BONEPWA+ will facilitate collaborative efforts with existing programmes, such as PMTCT, ARV, IPT, CHBC, and orphan care. BONEPWA+ will also facilitate the development and implementation of specific and innovative interventions that target widows, widowers and people with disabilities, while, at the same time, continue with the mainstreaming of gender in all support group interventions. 

3.To strengthen the capacity for participatory monitoring and evaluation (M & E) of support group community based interventions. The M & E activities will include building participatory skills and developing appropriate tools and systems. Monitoring will focus on the performance of BONEPWA+ and support groups in the implementation of activities of the strategic plan. In addition, BONEPWA+ will monitor the performance of government and other partners in achieving agreed national and international commitments on HIV/AIDS, such as outlined in the National Strategic Framework for HIV/AIDS 2003-2009, the Abuja Declaration, Millennium Development Goals and UNGASS goals.

Primary Target Groups:   People Living with and affected by HIV and AIDS and support groups.



1. Accountability

2. Transparency

3. Confidentiality

4. Participation

5. Non-discrimination

6. Consultation-“nothing for us without us”


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